Sorry for the delay. Everything is going fine, it is just that is difficult to find out some spare time
to keep you posted, but I will keep on doing so!.
Do you remember the last post?...sure you do so...boat trip from Battambang to Siem Reap, the closest city to the ancient temples of Angkor.
We stayed there for a week, a big group with Emma, Silvia, Beatriz, Carol, Philippe and myself.. unfortunately, at the end of the week the group splitted little by little...the real adventure on my own starts!.
Most of these temples were built around the 10th century after Christ. You have seen already the pictures of Cambodia nowadays...hope with the next ones you will all be able to go back in time and to get a snapshot about what Cambodia looked like at this time...really different!!. It was simply one of the most powerful countries in the world.
Do you want to have a look around this magnificent site ?, follow me!!. To get into one of the main fortress, Angkor Thom, which is just huge (more than 10km of perimeter!), enter one of their four gates. Here you are one I preferred, Victoria gate:
Which leads to the misterious temple of Bayon with its enigmatic faces, some would say they are smiling, some others would say they are staring at you, keeping an eye on you to make sure you are behaving as a good Cambodian citizen...
It is difficult to say how many temples are there, but there are more than a hundred!. Each one has its own atmosphere, and it is so nice to walk inside and try to understand how people could feel entering to one of these huge mass of carved stone...
Nowadays most of the temples have been cleaned out of any tree or any kind of plants which virtually covered them, some exceptions are Ta Prohm , can you guess being one of the european explorers who first found these marvellous buildings?. Can you guess the nationality of the first explorer who actually recorded this discovery?...french!.
Here you are another version of the world famous Rodin's Angkor!
For those who may come here, I highly recommend you to hire a bike and just wander will see images like these ones
And that' s all folks for the time being. I promise the next post will be soon.
For your information, now at this time I am nearly ending up my stay in Cambodia, heading to Vietnam in three days. Next posts will be for Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, Kratie, Ratanakiri and Sihanoukville in the North. More nice shots and some history is coming soon, so please stay tuned!.
Kisses for you all, take care.
super sympa les photos!! Ca donne trop envie..
J'éspère que tes expériences de guerrier t'aide dans ton périple? Lance un dé de 8 et on en reparle! (lol)
Hello Jona !
Il est super ton blog, on voyage tous avec toi ! et les photos sont superbes
en plus tu ne loupes rien ici pas de neige ou alors de la mauvaise;-)
profite bien grosses bises
hi jona,
nice pictures. at the moment we are in kampot. back on the motorbike :-). on saturday we will check out the beaches in sihanoukville and after that our month travelling is finshed :-/. wish u all the best for your travel. greets gerhard and susi.
Ese es mi hermaaaaaaaaaaaaano! Anda ten cuidado con esos viruses que pillas y dsfruta de todo como tu bien sabes.
Cuidate muchisimo y nada "tato", sigues siendo mi idolo!
te quiero muchisimo
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